Wednesday, November 12, 2014

New Pictures

So I can't help but share a few more pictures taken with my new camera. They are coming out really good. I will start with the white breasted nuthatch. This guy is around all the time which gives me a lot of chances to capture moments like the one below.

While I was concentrating on the nuthatch I caught a glimpse of a little red and noticed this guy. First time we saw him at the feeder and we are hoping that we can keep him around.

On my way back to work I spotted one of the two kestrels that hunt the fields outside of Grand Rapids. Not a great shot but it really tested the distance that my camera can handle.

Lastly I could not help but capture the female cardinal that shows up in the evening. Not the best light to take pictures in but they still came out pretty good.

Thanks for reading and happy birding!


  1. Good luck with your new blog and camera for birding. It a great combination of hobbies which I also took up a few years ago on retirement and have enjoyed immensely....;)
